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Standards for Recording Real Estate Documents

Effective January 1, 2002



After January 1, 2002, all recorded documents will be classified into three different types:




·ExemptStandard Documents

Standard Documents:


These documents must follow all formatting requirements to be qualified. 


They are as follows:  


· 8 ½” x 11” white or light colored #20 paper (no watermarks or logos)  


· Printed in black or dark ink on one side only    


· No continuous forms or permanent binding, but documents may be stapled for presentation    


· Minimum 8 point type    


· Signatures must be in black or dark ink


· All signatures must be originals and have the name typed, stamped or printed underneath.



Title of document 

Date of document      

All grantors’ names      

All grantees' names      

Any statutory addresses      

Legal description      

Reference book & page if required (These can also be referenced on the first page as to what page in the document they can be found.) (If one of the required fields begins on the first page and continues uninterrupted to subsequent pages that meets first page requirements.)

Attachments to a page may not be stapled or taped other than a securely attached bar-code label or as required by law.  (‘Attachment” does not refer to an Exhibit but additions to a document page.)



Under the new law all documents that are rejected must be returned with the reason for rejection.

Cover Pages


A cover page for the document is not required, but a filer may choose to present a cover page and it will be recorded as the first page of the document.  The cover page must have the top 3” margin and include first page designations.


If a document is presented for re-recording in addition to all other requirements, there must be a new first page or cover sheet with the top 3” margin and the required first page designations.

Exempt Documents


These documents are exempt from the new standardization requirements.  They are as follows:


1. Documents signed prior to January 1, 2002

2. Military separation papers

3. Documents executed outside the United States

4. Certified copies of documents, including birth & death certificates

5. Any document where one of the original parties is deceased or incapacitated

6. Judgments or other documents formatted to meet court requirements

7. Fixture filings on the National Approved UCC Forms

8. Tax Liens

9. Trustee Deeds Under Sale

10. Home School Letter


An Exempt Document cover page will be added to the front of the document at no additional charge.

Non-Standard Documents


These documents do not meet the standardization requirements.


To record this document an additional $25.00 fee will be added.


A non-standard document cover page will be added to the front of this document at no additional charge.


RSMo 59.310.1 “The county recorder of deeds may refuse any document presented for recording that does not meet the following requirements” The “may” means that we may refuse it as a standard document, but offer the option of reformatting it or pay the penalty fee. The objective is to standardize, not to disallow anyone the right of recording a document.

Johnson County Recorder of Deeds

300 North Holden, Suite 305

Warrensburg, MO  64093




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